


Dear Fellow Supervisors,

We are approaching our biggest payroll of the entire year and we have employees out with Covid-19 and lots of employees working in multiple departments. Please read and take action on the information below. Thank you in advance for your hard work and taking care of your employee’s payroll. A couple notes follow the payroll information below on ensuring everyone is getting these Supervisor emails and Covid 19 Updates.
  1. If you are sharing employees and there are tips involved please make sure each outlet has that employee on their tip sheet. Lately we have had a number of employees not receive their tips because they are missing from the tip sheet.
  2. Instructions on transferring employees between cost centers are below. If you have questions, email [email protected] or your HR rep.
  3. COVID sick pay. If you have employees who have been out sick and require Covid sick pay, it is up to you as a manager to enter any available sick time into their time card. If they run out of sick time and need additional sick pay, email [email protected] with the exact date and amount of hours per date that requires the additional pay. We do not know what shifts your employee should have worked over this time period so please provide detailed information. We need to be notified about all necessary Covid pay by 5:00 p.m. on Friday 12/31.
  4. Tip sheets must be submitted to payroll no later than 1:00 p.m. on Monday, January 3rd. Any tip sheets not turned in on time will risk not being included on the paycheck for January 7, which means your employee will not receive the tips they have worked so hard for over the last two weeks. Please help us be successful by turning in your information on time and ensuring the accuracy of the data. If an employee ID is wrong, this can result in the wrong person being paid and the other person missing their pay or it can cause disruption and kickouts in the payroll process.
  5. Make sure you are matching the timecard to the schedule to ensure to capture any missing punches. Also look out for and correct any unpaired punches.

    If you have an employee that is working in your department and another department with a different cost center you MUST transfer the cost center and job code. When you click on the transfer box you need to select “search.”
    (Click on the photo below and it should enlarge)
    Clicking search will pull up an additional window on the right. Choose + Add Cost Center and a new window will open where you can add the desired cost center. This will make it possible for you to enter the correct cost center and job code string so the employee is paid correctly and charged to the right outlet.

    Inkedpayroll 2_LI


    If you supervise other supervisors or managers, please check with them to ensure they're getting these emails. We're reconciling our lists and have found some people have slipped off. If they are not receiving Supervisor emails, please have them email [email protected] to be added.


    In case you missed it, we sent several Covid-19 Supervisor Updates this week. You can read them here:
    December 28
    December 27
    December 26

    You can also find the new Pitkin County Guidelines here and employee-only testing locations here.