(For Supervisors & Salaried Employees)
December 14, 2022

Dear Fellow Supervisors and Salaried Employees,

362. That is the number of leaders who went through the Leader’s Workshop this fall and early season. We are grateful that you showed up, participated, and kept an open mind as we employed some non-traditional training techniques.

Now that the workshops are over, the real learning begins. The workshop was designed as an expectation clarifier, foundation builder, and conversation starter, but it is only through experience that our learning turns into wisdom and knowledge into confidence and our information shifts mindsets.

Can we all agree the leadership journey can be as challenging as it is rewarding? May we commit to one another not to walk this road alone? Being a leader can feel hard at times. So let us remember that we are in this together as we fuel cultures with both care and accountability. That is a noble pursuit that warrants comradery and a non-judgmental, supportive community rooting for one another.

With gratitude and support,
Susan Harig
Managing Director of Engagement & Development, Human Resources

*REMINDER: You must be logged into the portal FIRST before below links will work.*


If you didn't fill out the feedback survey on the Leaders Workshop, please do so now. We appreciate all feedback to help ensure we're providing you the best material and resources to meet your needs.


The Engagement & Development Team offers a variety of training opportunities for you and your team to continue to improve, including both turn-key (ready to go) trainings on topics like DISC or also trainings tailored to your needs. Reach out to the team with what you need:


If you attended the program 2 Leaders Workshop training, you likely heard a presentation from Financial Analyst Ted Busch. In this Q&A, get to know a little more about the guy whose budget includes a line item for pocket protectors. Feel free to reach out to him if you've got any questions or would like his team to talk to yours about finance issues at [email protected].


Leaders Workshop participants heard the story of Luca, a precocious little kid who drove our trainer Paul Bowman nuts by asking a lot of why's. Turns out, it's not a bad idea for leaders to ask questions either. Learn more in this Harvard Business Review article. And if you really want a deep dive, check out Simon Sinek's book Start with Why or his TED Talk. Here's another article on 50 questions leaders should ask.


ON-MOUNTAIN SAFETY. Please ensure all your on-mountain employees know how to reach someone in case of an emergency: First-off, download the Aspen Snowmass app onto your phone. In the top left is a phone icon that can get you directly to ski patrol on a mountain. Or, you can call 911 when in doubt. If you don’t have cell service, as is the case in some places, go to the bottom or top of any lift for help.

COVID PROCEDURES FOR SICK EMPLOYEES. Please refer to this policy for information on what to do with a sick employee. All Covid information, including a list of symptoms, can be found here. The best way to keep your staff healthy overall is to encourage any employee sick or with symptoms to stay home and not risk infecting others, whether it's with Covid, the flu, the Crud, RSV or anything else floating around this winter.


Is there a thorny leadership question that you'd like answered about how to manage people? Submit it here and we'll consult the hive and answer it in the next Long View newsletter.


Supervisors: a part of your role involves drawing attention to information that impacts your employees and encouraging them to read the information (like newsletters) that are sent out. Here are two big ones that we need your help communicating.

NEW PAYROLL DEDUCTION: Starting Jan. 1, ALL employees will see a new Colorado state deduction on their paychecks. The FAMLI LEAVE PAYROLL DEDUCTION PROGRAM (FAMLI is not a typo, fyi), passed by Colorado voters, starts deducting a new .45% of wages (full-time, part-time, and seasonal) from paychecks to support a voter-approved Paid Family and Medical Leave Insurance Program that will be available to all starting in 2024. For more information, read the fact sheet here or go to for the paycheck calculator to see how much will be deducted.

PHARMACY BENEFIT CHANGE: Starting Jan. 1, City Market/Kroger will no longer be a part of the Express Scripts program. Employees should receive a letter from Express Scripts informing them of this and of the next nearest pharmacy. If your employees have prescriptions they rely on, please ensure they know about this change and get those prescriptions transferred before the first of the year.


T4T is wrapping up for the season and will no longer accept landlord applications after Dec. 15. Listings will still be up and available on the Employee Portal. This year we had 105 landlord applications, or around 130 total beds and 100 ASC employees were housed through the program. That's up more than double last year where we housed 35 employees and had 42 landlord applicants. Thanks to the TA Team and all who worked on this program to make it a success!


All managers and supervisors who attended the Leaders Workshop have both note cards and postcards to express gratitude towards coworkers. Share your gratitude or the gratitude of a guest towards your employee with us as well! We'd like to highlight your employees in the Employee Newsletter and on the Employee Portal. Email [email protected]. And don't forget to show gratitude towards other leaders as well! If you'd like to learn more about appreciation styles to think about how your employees might like to be recognized, check out the Five Language of Appreciation in the Workforce. Across all Leaders Workshop sessions, words of appreciation beat out all the other categories in how you liked to be recognized. Remember to think about whether people like public or private recognition as well.

COMING SOON: ASC is putting the finishing touches on a new recognition program, which will debut later this season. This new program will partly replace the $10 vouchers program. Stay tuned for more information soon.


Although we are not highlighting new/promoted managers and supervisors at MIM these days, we still want to promote and share this news. Whether you've got a salaried employee with a promotion or a new salaried employee coming in, please send their bio and a picture to us: [email protected]. This information will be used on the Employee Portal and in weekly newsletters.


It's supposed to be the merriest time of year, but the holidays also can be filled with both personal and work stress as well. It's an important time to check in with your employees, set expectations for these busy weeks, and let them know their mental health matters. Here are some holiday stress resources:
Our Employee Assistance Program TRIAD offers many other resources and free counseling and mental health resources in the valley are also listed on this page. Worried about an employee and not sure what you should do? Reach out to your HR representative and they'll be happy to talk with you.


CALLING ALL TOM BRADYS: FLSS is hoping to get a boost this year during peak times from retired ASC employees. If you know of a retiree who might be interested, please have them contact Michele Goodhard at [email protected].

CURRENT EMPLOYEES: If you are a current salaried employee and have been asked to sign up for FLSS shifts (but the link from Susan is buried in your email somewhere) here's the links! Please sign up. There are still open spots.


Earlier this summer, we shared information in the Long View on how to have challenging but vital one-on-one conversations with employees. These kinds of conversations have many descriptors: essential, courageous, honest, hard, challenging so you may see these words used interchangeably. For new or seasonal supervisors who may have missed this content, you can find this material and other helpful resources here. Also, here's a Q&A on the types of issues that might arise and how to address them. And here's a compilation of the Leaders Workshop Top Tips from the Panel discussion with leaders from around the ranks of ASC weighing in about how to prepare and have these crucial conversations.

COMPASSIONATE DIRECTNESS. There's a new term being used around this topic: Compassionate Directness. Learn how creating a culture of continuous and honest feedback allows both employees and the company to grow. Read more here and here.


While most seasonal employees have been onboarded, we continue to hire year-round. What's on your list of ways to welcome new employees and ensure they get what they need to settle in? How do you keep the welcome going? Research tells us that how well people feel welcomed impacts their interest in staying. It's not a one-day or one-training deal. Check out our Manager's Guide to Welcoming New Employees with tips on what you can do a month in to welcome staff. Be sure they know about our New Employee Guide as well. Are we missing anything? Please let us know at [email protected].

Soon we'll be welcoming nearly 300 J1s from all over the world. Making an effort to pronounce their foreign names (or any of our names, really) matters. Here's why.


Please ensure your new employees (except hospitality) sign up for a mandatory New Hire Orientation. The last one is Dec. 20, and they'll hear about Aspen history as well as hear from Mike Kaplan, Auden Schendler, and more. To sign up, please go here.
The Dec. 5 orientation was taped. We'll release that after the final live orientation.

RFTA ZONE BUS PASSES. Employees can get their bus passes by following the directions here.


LET'S MEET -- FINAL CALL. Please fill out this survey about how we meet as employees at Aspen Snowmass and how these opportunities can improve. Help us understand how you'd like to gather.

REMOTE/HYBRID WORKERS-- TELL US MORE: Do you have remote or hybrid employee in your department or are you remote/hybrid yourself? We'd like to hear more from you about your experience. How are remote/hybrid employees integrated into the culture? How do you hold meetings, show gratitude, or visit on-location? What might remote/hybrid employees need that on-site employees don't know about? Both managers of remote/hybrid employees and remote/hybrid employees are encouraged to fill out this form to help us understand more. *If you work from home part of the time but come into an office at least once a week, we consider this "hybrid." If you work from home all the time, we consider this "remote."