

January 19, 2022

Dear Fellow Supervisors,

The fourth annual Employee Engagement Survey will launch on Monday, January 24, and run through February 7. Last year we had a 70 percent response rate from employees and this year we’re hoping to raise that response to 80 percent so that we hear from as many voices across the company as possible. We need your help! Below are some details and ways you can help this survey meet its participation target:

Information for you as a supervisor:
  • Small Departments: If you supervise five or less people, you will not see department-specific data. Your data will be rolled up and into the supervisor above you.
  • Links aren't shareable: Employees will receive an individual survey link through their email on Monday. There is not a generic link to the survey. While the survey is anonymous, our 3rd party vendor tracks completion rates by department.
  • Employees who work for multiple divisions will have their results counted in their primary area.
  • Accessing the raw anonymous data: The Executive Team will receive a link to the Qualtrics data dashboard. From there, the decision will be made as to which division heads and managers will receive access. Once you receive access to the dashboard, you will be able to see at a departmental (greater than 5 people) and anonymous level of how many employees in that department have taken the survey so far so that you can encourage lagging departments to prioritize the survey.

Ways you can help promote the survey to your employees:
  1. Set a department participation goal for this year (100% has a nice ring to it) in your next staff meeting.
  2. Ensure your employees have access to a computer or smart phone to take the survey. Contact Allison Johnson in HR ([email protected]) if you need to borrow a laptop for computer access in your office. Employees can also take the survey on their smart phone (and many choose that option).
  3. Plan employee schedules so that employees have time to complete the survey during business hours (it takes less than 15 minutes).

Talking points to stress with your employees:
  • This survey is used solely for the purpose of improving the ASC employee experience and addressing any issues or gaps that employees identify as a barrier to work fulfillment.
  • Feedback is important to ASC! We want to hear from them, and it does make a difference (see the FAQ sheet).
  • Feedback tells the department, division, and company leaders what works, what doesn’t, how to improve, and what to prioritize.
  • The survey helps to ensure our values and actions are in alignment at every level and division of the company.
  • This survey is anonymous.
    • ASC uses a 3rd party vendor to ensure anonymity. While we provide an email list of employees to them, Qualtrics manages the list and survey distribution—we never see individual results. We only see results at a departmental level.
    • A department must have 5 or more employees for the feedback to be visible. Feedback may be segmented in various ways but if segmentation produces less than five responses, the information is not available.
    • No names are attached to any feedback—no individual comment or survey has a name attached.
                Finally, throughout the two-week window of the survey, please continue to check in with your employees and impress upon them the importance of filling out the survey. They will continue to receive reminders from Qualtrics and us.

                Once the survey is completed, we will provide more information on how to analyze the data, identify hits and misses, and form new goals to foster improvement and growth.

                Thank you!
                Susan Harig
                Director of Engagement & Development, Human Resources

                REMINDER: You must be logged into the portal FIRST before below links will work.


                February 10 is the mid-season MIM for salaried employees from 3-5pm. This MIM will be held at the Viceroy Snowmass. Parking is in the Base Village Parking Garage. For planning purposes, please rsvp to Gina Pogliano at [email protected] if you are planning to come but did not respond to her calendar invite.


                The survey link was incorrect in a few people's enewsletters this week but it's been corrected everywhere else and most employees should have the correct link. The new uniform cycle will be beginning shortly. If your employees wore a uniform this year, please encourage them to take the below survey. We need their feedback to know what worked and what didn't. Everyone can find these links on the front page of the portal as well.

                Ski Patrol ONLY: Take this survey
                All Other Employees: Take this survey

                NO RECOGNITION VOUCHERS?!?

                We've received almost no reports of recognition vouchers being handed out. Won't you please share the awesome work your employees are doing with us? We just need a couple sentences on why you gave it to them, and a photo would be awesome too but not necessary. Send to [email protected] or (970) 309-5485. Thank you for helping us promote this program and share employee good news. You'll find your stories posted in the weekly newsletter and also on the portal here.


                Did you know that employees who receive regular feedback are more engaged? They need timely and relevant feedback for it to be effective, and great managers use feedback to create a development-focused culture. Read more from here.


                Positivity starts with our leaders: Be a driving force!

                Suggestion: Write a positive comment about each person on your team. Examples can be
                • “You have a big smile every morning – it makes others smile in return.”
                • “You pulled extra shifts without complaint – I respect your willingness to pitch in.”
                • “I saw you walk that guest to where they needed to go yesterday instead of just point them. The look of appreciation on their face was great to see.”
                Find each person on your team during their shift. Sincerely thank them for their work and tell them the specific thing you noticed.

                Why do this?
                One of the top five reasons people leave a job is because they don’t feel valued. Hearing something specific and positive about our work raises our spirits. It tells us that our work has meaning and that we are making a valuable impact.

                Want to do something extra?
                The next time your team gathers together have them share positive things about each other. It is guaranteed to bring smiles to people’s faces as they hear how much their peers value them!

                Provided by Guest Experience Manager Katriona Hembury. If you'd like to discuss learning opportunities for your team, contact her at [email protected].

                WORK READY

                A final reminder that February 1 is the cut-off. If your employee hasn't completed the assessment, they cannot be on the slopes until they do. Want to check on your staff? Contact Alisa directly at [email protected] for an update. Employees can register for Work Ready and find out more on the portal here.