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Aspen One: Vision, Values, and Pillars

In the past year, our company has experienced substantial and exciting change with the foundation of three divisions (Aspen Skiing Company, Aspen Hospitality, ASPENX) under the umbrella of a new parent company, Aspen One.  

In October of 2023, the Senior Leadership Team of Aspen One, consisting of nearly sixty top leaders from across the company, met to discuss some important questions: Who are we? What do we stand for? What is the foundation that underpins and guides all our work? How will we continue to honor our heritage and roots even as we grow in new directions?

With deep and deliberate discussion, along with intensive work and guidance from our Executive Leadership Team, our leaders delved into our heritage, what makes us unique and an industry leader, and how we can build a road map for the future of our growing organization. The resulting Vision, Values, and Strategic Pillars were announced at the November, 2023 Town Hall.

Read about our Vision, Values, and Strategic Pillars here or share this PDF with your staff.

Watch Aspen One CEO Dave Tanner announce and explain them  here. 

Watch the full Nov. 3 Town Hall here.